
Mon étoile filante - the Story of Mégane and Sabrina

Sabrina Durel has two children when she gives birth to Mégane. Last of the tribe, this child is blessed and the center of attention. But soon she shows difficulties in developing normally. This mother is determined to know what's wrong, after several tests the diagnosis falls: Mégane suffers from progeria, a genetic disorder responsible for accelerated aging that leads to early death. Sabrina will fight for her daughter by challenging hospitals and physicians across the Atlantic to get to the world center for the study of this disease that no one would recognize. She seeks hope for a cure and supports Mégane in an environment that excludes different beings. But the life of Mégane and Sabrina is not just a fight. It is certainly not easy, but full of joy and happiness, pushed to the extreme face of approaching death and the overwhelming desire to live.

available in French